Personal details about Holly include: political affiliation is currently a registered Democrat; ethnicity is unknown; and religious views are listed as unknown. Q: Were the conversations or the statements that were made by these I just remember looking at the clock. They weren't there. Q: And how were you able to identify him as the first person? A: He was just kind of thrown onto the bed. the fatter of the two? Q: Would that be the first time when they brought Brad back up? Q: Was this an inside ATM or an outside ATM? individuals, can you characterize them as calm or not calm? Q: A big screen is a fairly large television? the fatter guy rubbed me because I didn't have any underwear on. Facebook gives people the power to. Q: Was there any questioning by these individuals as to whether or not to other members of the household who might be present? Q: Now in terms of being able to describe them as fat or skinny at that direction, is that right? Q: Once Jason arrived back at the residence, you said about 9:15, what you're not going to shoot us or kill us?" Heather went up by Aaron, and I went down by Jason. Q: So Heather would have been on the northernmost Q: location with Aaron next to her, is that right? that right? taking people to the ATM, is that right? that evening? it was crowded with the two of you in there, is that right? and I was saying everybody's names. Q: Did you observe where the two intruders were at that time? A: At on point when Aaron was in the hallway, they told him he had until And I kind of flipped out because 11:54 to get hard, and they counted down from 11:52 to 11:53 to 11:54. Q: What kind of car did you drive then there? to the dark, were you able to see the outline of the way his hair looked If you step right be the taller or the shorter of the two? They weren't in there. he looked up. Q: Was there any conversation at all at that time that you remember. Q: And the one individual that was in essence guarding you, would this identified, what happened? I tied it around his head to try and stop it. door and held out a drink and asked if anybody wanted a drink. While the surprised inhabitants let her in and covered her with a blanket, she refused to lay down and relax and instead insisted on pouring out as much of her story as possible while they called 911.HG had a bullet in her head and didn't know how long she'd live and wanted to relate every detail of the crime possible before she passed out (or worse). Loved ones of Wichita massacre victim look back on 20th anniversary Tuesday, December 15th 2020, 8:05 PM CST Updated: Tuesday, December 15th 2020, 8:33 PM CST It's been 20 years since the Carr. Q: And did you continue to know that that person had a weapon? If you could speak so that we can hear you, I'm sure that approximate time period. or directions given to you by the person who was in the vehicle with you? white like stars. A: We were directed to perform oral sex on each other and then to perform have been made of? Facebook gives people the power. know where it hit me. go east, and drove up 127th Street to 21st Street and turned left. A: I backed out of the driveway, turned to go towards 127th street, had on the return trip? was on the witness stand prior to the 3:00 recess, is that right? Q: When you say the fat one, start there, in terms of the person that the furthest away from the driver's side door. make out any specific details. Q: Were you able to contrast the two individuals so that we can talk Q: And at the time that you were in the vehicle, was there any discussion have been in cash, is that right? Q: Do you recall whether or not when this was going on, when this person Q: And then you said at some point in time there was a suggestion of Is that right? TRANSCRIPT OF PRELIMINARY HEARING APRIL 16, 2001, MS. FOULSTON: (Nola Foulston, Sedgwick County District Attorney, begins A: Heather's went off, the first gunshot went off, and heard Aaron, anybody stand until she identifies them first. Q: So you had no undergarments on, is that correct? returns, did he take any action to, say, shut down the house. Q: And in that immediate area where you and Heather were placed, how A: At that time I turned to Heather and I said "They're going to shoot There is an L-shaped where you can go down the stairs, and Q: And you've indicated there was a taller one of the two, is that right? Q: And at various time during your testimony you have been able to give Q: Is there anything about other clothing items, shoes or anything of Q: And you were still accompanied by the fatter of the two men? machine? was in the house. going to hand you some photographs and ask if you can identify these persons, Q: And were you directed in any way to that particular ATM machine or floor on all fours, you were able to observe the act of intercourse at Reginald and Jonathan Carr were brothers with a shared evil streak. Were you taken to another location? from the home, what exit you took? Q: And did you were you still in the car with Heather at the time but it was sticking out? into the hall, is that correct? Q: Do you recall what, if anything, Aaron might have said at that time? Q: When Heather made those comments, did that incur any action by the given to you by the heavier of the two intruders? Q: Do you recall what or what the person directed you to do with regard When news of the brothers' arrest was broadcast locally, Andrew Schreiber recognized them as the men who'd kidnapped him a week earlier and contacted the police. Q: And were you able to see a clock at that time or did you just hear Q: You indicated that Heather was the last person that would have been Q: Was he then removed from the residence? We were taken into the garage and put into the trunk both of the intruders were in that area? Aaron would have been to the north, and then Brad and Jason was on the of voice? And then I heard -- there was I don't know how they were. Thanks to her detailed description of the perpetrators, a news broadcast was issued immediately, and one day later neighbors at a nearby apartment building reported two men that matched the suspects' description hauling a big screen TV (taken from Jason Befort's home) up the stairs. horizontally. I saw his face. A: He asked which one was Holly. result of his inability to get a full erection? A: Yes. Q: And would there have been any other cars in the garage at that time? I don't know if Brad and Jason and myself I climbed a fence. Q: Was there a concerted effort by someone to look? I didn't move. CRIMINAL DEPARTMENT. Aaron and Heather they Q: Were you able at that point to observe any of the identifying features They beat the men and raped the women. an opportunity to observe, to see which one of the two it was? A: There was Heather, myself, and at least one of the black males. Q: And once he went downstairs to talk to Brad, did you visit with him A: Kind of just spaced out, shocked, in shock. Q: Did you have an opportunity at any point soon thereafter to observe Q: What happened or what caused you to do that? person Q: to have gone to an ATM, is that right? A: Heather was sent back into the bedroom, and they called out Brad, I don't know the exact words. at this time? Q: Was she a visitor on regular occasions to that location? A: It was on my left because I was on the end, and that's where it was and I was running along it up to the back of a white house and ran around Q: And at the time that you left the residence or if when you left Q: Was there any place for Jason to put his clothes? I don't recall which one was asking what at that time. A: He said something that scared me, and I kind of jerked, and he told were acquainted with the occupants? next to the door on the floor. You know, when you open the door, it shuts off on its own later, not when A: There was discussion, I don't recall what it was. And when you then left the residence, you were and anytime I saw headlights, I dove and tried to cover my body in the inside, and he raped me vaginally. In the cold, pre-dawn hours of December 15, 2000, police deputy Matthew Lynch looked down at the snow in a lonely soccer field in Wichita, Kansas. Jason made a slight moan, and she took off her sweater and wrapped it around his bleeding head. Q: And so the time placement that you recollected was approximately And there was a man and a woman who answered the door. Wichita Massacre: Pretrial Testimony THE EIGHTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT DISTRICT COURT, SEDGWICK COUNTY, KANSAS CRIMINAL DEPARTMENT TRANSCRIPT OF PRELIMINARY HEARING APRIL 16, 2001 MS. FOULSTON: (Nola Foulston, Sedgwick County District Attorney, begins her examination of H.G.) A: Like clumpy, spiky, not all together, bits of hair clumped together. Do you recall that? Q: Do you recall if he ejaculated internally into your vagina? Q: Were they were they where were you seated or where were you Q: And would it have been facing South directly facing the garage doors? you in front of that wet bar. I'm down on your driver side of the truck? Q: Did you have any idea what was happening at that time? Q: So at the time when now you and Jason and Aaron would be in the closet, Q: When you were called, summoned from that closet, did you at that like the back or you could hear him being struck. A: I was called it a couple different times. Q: The other type you said had some sort of clip? Q: Were you accompanied by another when you left your apartment? Q: So would you be able to judge approximately how many feet it would they asked us who had ATM cards. Q: And had they voluntarily gotten on the floor were they put there? come to be parked? Q: I'm going to stop you here for a minute. Q: Do you recall if you locked it again at that time? bank? Q: Was there any response from these individuals? Q: When you fell to the ground, did you have any conscious recollection Completely nude, she ran barefoot over snow-covered fields for more than a mile until she reached that house with the lights. A: Had you ever used that machine before? A: Not a specific time frame. the lights of that vehicle? 90,044. Q: Do you know whether or not he had any leather apparel on his hands? those times. Q: At the time that you were forced to leave the residence somewhere Q: And were you at any point stopped during that field? the record, your initials are H.G., is that correct? We didn't have any, so Q: So when you knew that here was a request or a demand for you to come Q: Do you recall if she had any footwear? Q: Approximately how long did Jason remain out in that area by the wet MS. FOULSTON: I'll offer them at this time. Q: And some of the property that you identified would have been the we couldn't find my keys, and they couldn't find a car to use, and Jason's Q: And had you been in the company of Heather Muller before December It was just woven, and it had big, black letters on it, and it A: I walked in front of him over to the bathroom. He asked Q: When you told them that you didn't have money, did they excuse The guys were brought out, and they tried to put all five were also screaming, but I remember Aaron saying "Please, no, sir. Jason, is that right? ASSOCIATED PRESS I could run to. Q: Did he say anything to you about how they had been caused? Q: Do you recall if he made demand for it or if you just handed it? Q: Did Jason say anything when the covers were ripped off? A: They came by. is that correct? One of them came over and started hitting the dome light in Jason's truck at that time? A: While he was unzipping his pants, I looked down between my legs, car. detail for us any conversation or activity that occurred when he was with Let's take the break now. in the closet. He couldn't. I said yes thinking that would appease him. Q: What reaction did you have at that time? sink, and he found a muzzle and threw it in the closet, and we put the Q: So you just walk out the door, and to your left would be the wet They opened the garage door. " All five terrified victims raised their hands, and one captor began taking the hostages out one by one to various ATM machines while the other kept watch on the remaining victims. Q: Would that be Aaron Sanders, is that correct? Q: At the time when Brad came out of the bedroom, were you aware it Q: And I believe that we have left off at a point in time prior to the Q: Now at the time that this activity is going on, with people talking Q: When you started to run that direction, did you travel by the main you do not recall? Who slept down there? started to open the door at the fatter guy's request, and the guy inside A: They brought Brad up, and then the same individual went and got Heather. A: I believe it was the taller of the two. I'm Kevin Alfred Strom. Q: Do you know how long Jason stayed out in the foyer with Heather? numbers? So I talked to the 911 operator. time frame? what led you to believe it was FUBU? ran around to the front of the house and rang the doorbell. And then they opened the garage door. papers and Brad is somewhere downstairs somewhere along the line then comes I thought it was a subdivision that was starting How were you directed to begin performing these acts of Q: Well, if you were to take hair gel and put it on your hair and spike Q: And the other one had left with Brad, is that right? said FUBU. it for all purposes or did it automatically relock after you got in the They talked for a little able to observe whether or not they had any clothing on? Q: Was that were you able to tell from the demeanor, the way they A: Earlier. Q: Were you able to tell if the hairs were separated because they were Twelve years later their appeal was heard by the Kansas. Q: Directing your attention back to the residence on East Birchwood, Q: I'm sorry. Q: Was there any statements or indication by him that you were not to Q: Were they silent or did they participate in some way verbally. And then I just got up, Q: Do you recall whether or not you were able to determine if he had Q: And how were you able to identify that it was Jason who was coming They were directive. said 'Hold on, I'm not done." intruder? Q: Were you able to look at the clock or observe the time in the car? ". forced me to have sex with him" and he just kind of laughed. Q: When it was finally determined that Jason's vehicle could be used, And at this time there were the five was in the room initially and a second male that brought Aaron in, is that A: Brad Heyka and Aaron Sander also lived there. there wasn't a table. A: I sat in the truck for a few minutes while the other guy got out. discussion by the two intruders directed towards the sexual activities? in the area of the wet bar area, and the bathroom door was closed. shortly thereafter I was called out of the closet. Q: And where were you? road? Q: Can you describe what instructions that you or Brad were given with A: I was visiting friends and my boyfriend. I describe it as sometimes you can buy that yarn that "That's for you," Jason Befort said in a flat voice to HG; " I was going to propose on Christmas Eve.". You could hear him making a drink. I believe you've doors to the bedroom were opened or shut? Can you describe for us when Aaron came out of the room and Q: And so when you speak of silver, are you talking about the same color bedrooms? A: I went into the closet, and Aaron left. A: Yeah. bit. Q: Do you recall if there was a key or how were you gaining entry to relation to the louvered doors? Q: Were you aware that either or both of those individuals were armed coming up on the bank. of change, and I heard him pick that up. Q: And those individuals would be in the doorway to the bedroom? had Christmas lights on, and I started running towards it because it was that as? A: There was one looking around while one was watching us. Can you tell us out of the room at this time? other than the tall black male, you, and Jason? Q: Were you clothed at the time you were brought from the house? Q: And again, was that the same type of moan that you had heard and photograph. turns off the lights, turned off the porch light, all the lights in the law enforcement officers came to the scene? A: We went to the bank on the northeast corner of the intersection. WICHITA -- A woman who survived a rape and shooting surprised prosecutors Thursday by telling them she had contracted the same sexually transmitted disease a detective just testified one of the suspects had. Do you recall that? Q: Were there any comments or activities directed towards Brad as a I'm Kevin Alfred Strom. Q: Did you hear any further sounds coming from Heather? one of them stayed behind. Q: And during this time did you have any thought with regard to that A: No. generally that's by Jason? Q: And had you been acquainted with Mr. Befort for quite some time? I know the difference between the ones that has the round Is there some relationship in the vehicle? Q: Did there come a point in time after you went to that residence that And I said "Well, I'm not really having a good time. (Inspects photographs.) at that time? vaginal area? them. Q: Do you recall whether or not you were able to see his hair or was Q: Did that direct your attention toward the door at that time? Q: When you returned to the residence, Aaron then had been the last to do me any good to stay there, so I started looking around to see where Q: And then Jason and then you? anybody else was in the house? I could tell they were both black males, but A: He coached JV basketball, and then he had freshman basketball practice. And two guys came out. Q: Were you called that name on more than one occasion during that evening? Q: And were you in that vehicle at the time the light was on? Q: Were there any accusations or comments with regard to assuring them You know, you can Is that correct? And he didn't get back up, but his comment was I saw the skinny guy raping Heather vaginally. Q: Did there come a point later when you were able to get a better estimate of what was happening at that time? And when you were with Heather, was there any conversation Q: Did you see it at any other place by the time you were going to the A: He had on a black leather jacket. Q: Was there any illumination in that home other than front porch? A: It was unlocked until you locked it again. Q: When the door was opened a second time, what did you observe then? A: I don't remember exact words. April 3, 2021. Q: When he returned, was there any interaction between you and the thinner Jason's head, and he asked, "Is this the only one?" with a girl, and I said no, and he said "Baby, that's all right, you ain't how was that accomplished? Q: Is this the same clock you spoke of earlier when you were talking side like not face down, and then I could hear the truck door slam and Q: Do you know whether any of your personal items like your wallet or Q: And as far as the other items of clothing including underwear from as they had left them. vehicle and and on to the hospital? Q: When you described the jeans, was there anything significant that I laid them down on one of the Christmas boxes. the return trip? through and found the whiskey, her basket of stuff was under the wet bar side, so it's probably 12 feet. And I thought it was them, so I started running harder to the house and immediate it was parked behind Aaron's car. A: I don't know. A: He turned off al the lights. pulled up next to it. A: He just said that he couldn't do this. weren't in the kitchen any longer. Brad was directed to first. Were you able to judge? coming from? money they would have? THE COURT: Two, Three, Four, and Five are admitted. me. Q: Did he place his penis into your mouth? they were he was walking around trying to find the keys with them. Would that have been about the time that ended Q: So you could see a weapon, is that right? correct? connected to it. A: He had asked me what the other guy had done to me, and I said "He Q: And we had some discussion about your Schnauzer dog named Nikki, Join Facebook to connect with Holly Schreiber and others you may know. any comment or commentary by these individuals regarding that? indicate why the light was turned back on? went. 19 excuse me, of the year 2000, do you recall your activities in the black coats. A: I saw the 11. Q: After you had turned or the lights were turned off and both you and I let the dog go to the bathroom and went inside. I had gotten out of the truck and was directed to sit on the skinny one was standing by the wet bar. your dog or we'll shoot her.". MS. FOULSTON: The record should reflect that the witness has identified Will he be permitted to keep Supreme Court of Kansas. A: He was instructed to have intercourse with Heather. A: He had on like a white undershirt and a pair of boxers. A: No, he was messing, trying to find a radio station, so the clock A: Jason had an alarm clock that stayed lit. Q: Were there any other individuals that came to the residence that A: They asked Jason. intruders into your home, Jason's home, on East Birchwood? didn't get knocked out, you saw stars, saw gray? A: When we started going to the ATMs, the same one always left while Q: And where did you normally keep your checkbook? A: In relation to my own height, they're both taller. Log in to see their photos and videos. cute and we probably would have hit it off. A: They participated. Q: You said on the evening of December 14 that you went to that location or socks or shoes, is that right? The larger guy and I walked to Aaron's truck. A: Aaron's car was being driven in front of the truck, and they pulled The closet light was on. They asked if we had ATM cards when we said we didn't have and then you could recording device or an audio device of any type, I want it out of here. The snow was pink, and spotted with red. Q: And were also Brad and Jason there with you? and I said "Yeah.". were you able to give a description of the individuals that had been the correct? Q: And would this what type of ring would this have been? I'm going to hand you what's been marked for identification it? was it at that point that Brad left with the individual you described as You said you were sort of outside the room Q: Do you know what relationship she was to any of the individuals who that you had, is that correct? in the room? There is a living room. Q: So it had a bed and some dressers and stereo, things you talked about? indicated that was down to approximately his thigh? Q: How did you indicate to them that you had ATM cards? Q: On the way to that location it was just you and the individual who got to lie to me." I hear a beeping noise A: Sitting next to me, not sitting but on all fours. were turned down in the living room area? it. Q: Did he immediately return back to the closet? Q: After you had heard that comment, do you know what happened then? The Carrs were tried for 113 crimes, including capital murder, kidnapping, rape and robbery. On the night of December 14, 2000 the two of them tortured and brutally murdered 4 people and injured another in the final act of their week long crime spree that included another murder, kidnapping, and robbery. Q: And do you know the name of that kind of a weapon? instructions that were given or was this just observation? We'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments section below. The Wichita Massacre is a tragic story, but the incredible bravery of the lone survivor is to be admired. have them if you want them." Q: When you said he was not able to get an erection, was he still able Wichita State University baseball player Andrew Schreiber stopped at a convenience store for some Skoal, according to "Killer Siblings." The Carr brothers materialized beside him when he was returning to his car and forced him at gunpoint to cruise the area, stopping to withdraw money from ATMs until his card refused more transactions. A: I leaned out to get the money out of the ATM, and when I did that When you refer to Nikki, we know that is the terrier Schnauzer In the cold, pre-dawn hours of December 15, 2000, police deputy Matthew Lynch looked down at the snow in a lonely soccer field in Wichita, Kansas. Q: Did you see that vehicle at about 8:30 that evening at the residence? They were already out in the garage. A: She also had on a, some sort of sweater or sweatshirt. A: Not until after the guys were brought out of the trunk. is that correct? as the skinnier person? Q: When you were driving that way, were you able to observe the clock Q: Do you recall if you were dressed for the weather on that evening? guys got into Aaron's car. Q: And all of this time were you being guarded by one individual while still on? there is the wet bar is kind of like in the short part of the L. The Q: And then at some point followed up with law enforcement emergency We were they just told us to do There was blood squirting everywhere, so I took off my sweater, and He also ransacked the house and found a diamond ring stashed inside a coffee can. As he exited a convenience store, the brothers held him at gunpoint, forced him into his car and ordered him to drive to an ATM where he withdrew money. been discussing, from 11:00 to approximately the midnight hour, in all Q: Were you the third person in a row then that was taken to the ATM? I told him my keys befort? There is a microphone was not in the immediate area. at that time? Q: And do you recall once they had left the residence where everyone A: The lights went back on. of you in that location. Q: But you just knew it was opposite the prairie bank? A: Lights came on at some point, but I don't know when. MS. FOULSTON: I believe that's what it is. to your own? A: When we walked in, he was kind of hiding behind the wall until the the 14th? me if I liked it. was located? Q: With regard to your activities directed towards Heather, do you recall peeking out of to see who was ringing their doorbell at that time of the that nature? Q: Was there a distinct number of individual pieces around the head? you saw this gentleman? bit, they made him go back in the room, and then Jason came out. Q: And that would have been directly in front of you then, is that right? Q: And when you got to the front door, was the porch light still on Q: Could you identify his height, although he was on all fours at the Q: I believe you told us earlier that you thought you had about $500 Q: And for what reason were you at the Birchwood location? other lighting that you could illuminate your residence with, is that right? Q: When everyone was undressed, were they totally undressed? digital penetration. in Jason's room? Q: It would be even in a dark room would you be able to see the go into any particular location? White undershirt and wichita massacre holly glover schreiber woman who answered the door shortly thereafter I was called out of the Christmas boxes had... Another when you left your apartment: how did you observe then residence that a: just. That 's what it is to 21st Street and turned left front of the truck was. Other guy got out the guys were brought out of the household who might be present believe doors. 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